So, you want to be a writer? Here's your chance. C4L is looking for volunteer writers. If this sounds like something you'd like to do, keep reading! 

Because this is an unpaid positions, there is no long-term obligation to write for C4L. You may be asking yourself, why should I do this? Three reasons--first, for the experience of writing for publication. Second, to develop a portfolio of written works (which you are free to sell). Third, to reach visitors of this site with a message of spiritual growth.

If this sounds like something you want to do, please email a sample of your work (to be considered for publication on this website) to C4Leditor @ yahoo.com

The author retains all rights to any work submitted to C4L. However, editorial changes may be made without author consent for the sake of readability.

NOTICE:  Unless otherwise specified in the submission, the author's email address will appear at the bottom of the story if accepted for publication.