In Defense of the Gospel:
by Shirley Scurlock

Preaching the Word of God has been portrayed as an instigator of hate crimes, especially preaching against homosexuality. Some religious leaders have become frightened to speak out against sexual sin, but the need is even greater than ever before. 

The world looks on at the preaching of the word and somehow misunderstands its purpose. The purpose of preaching is not to demean, or demote another human being. Sure, there are some who use the word as a sword against men and women bound in sin, but that is not what God intended.

The word of God says that sin brings forth death. It is not God’s will that any perish but that all come to repentance. Preaching against sin merely alerts men and women to what the word of God calls sin. It is in our best interest to hear what God has said. It’s for our own good to be obedient to the gospel.

A map comes in handy when we can’t find the road to where we’re going. The Bible is a spiritual road map, and those who preach it, are our guides. If you know that there’s a ditch ahead, and someone will fall into it and be hurt, if you care at all you’ll warn them. Preaching the truth is a warning for those in sin, so that they have the chance to avoid the ditch. 

Some say, those who preach against sin, don’t want anyone to have fun. They are just trying to ruin our good time. The Bible says “there is pleasure in sin for a season.” However; the world and the lust in it are passing away. Preaching teaches us what kind of people we need to be. It tells us what it’s going to take to save us from the wrath to come.

The world wants to silence the voice of the gospel. They call the Bible the source of hate crimes. Is it hate, to warn the sinner to turn from his ways? Is it hate, to give those who hate you every chance to repent? Is it too much to ask of those He died for to turn from the sin that’s destroying their lives? From aids to syphilis are the reasons to turn away from sexual sin. Their destruction of lives is indisputable. Yet the world embraces sin, and dishonors God. Jesus died to save us from hell, and He arose that we could live free from the bondage of sin. The preaching of the word is offering the key to unlock the prison doors. Some prefer prison to freedom!

My prayer is that the men and women who preach the gospel will not be silent. Their voices must shout all the louder, to see those in bondage set free. You can never be silent, though they threaten death. Though they jail you preach on. The reward is the lost won to Christ, delivered, set free and jewels in His crown. Preach on!

©2004 Shirley Scurlock, All Rights Reserved