by Josh Balay

My wife lay there, her lip quivering as she tried to control the tears. I was stunned into silence and the only thing I could hear was my wife telling the doctor, "No, no, that is not an option." This supposed man of medicine had just informed my wife and me that we had two choices in regards to our unborn child. Either we waited for him to die inside my wife, or we could abort the pregnancy. Because of our Christian upbringing and strong belief in God's principles, abortion was never considered but that did not lessen the blow that the doctor had doomed our baby. He told us that we had two weeks to decide and then sent us to the hospital for some further tests on my wife.

Holding my wife as we walked out of the doctor's examination room, I could feel her quiet sobs. It was a short walk to the hospital from the office. We were led to the room and we sat there together in the dark, trying to keep our minds off of the doctor's cold words. Then God sent in the first messenger of hope.

For the sake of this article, I will call her Janie. She walked into our room and examined my wife, doing her writing and charting. Then she began to speak to my wife about the problems she was having with the pregnancy. Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened. Then she explained to us how her husband and she were trying to have a baby as well. Janie continually used the Lord in her conversation and her very presence was uplifting to us. She told us that she was at the end of her shift but that she would make sure the next nurse took good care of us. Before she left, she took our hands and prayed out loud to God for healing for our baby. When she was done she hugged us both and left the room. Then God sent in his second messenger.

Beth was our new nurse. Janie had explained our situation to her and she showed us extreme kindness and compassion. Her kind words and disposition helped our melancholy spirit. While she didn't pray with us or speak about the Lord, she did go out of her way to make sure my wife was comforted and cared for. Then God sent in the third messenger.

Angela "accidentally" walked into our room. She was not our nurse and actually had no reason to be in there; however, God knew there was a reason. She came in and asked us what we were there for. My wife explained our situation. Without regards to her license or employment (nurses are not supposed to recommend specific doctors to patients), Angela gave us the name of a neonatologist that she knew of who would work to help our baby and not to kill him. She wished us well and left the room. We never saw her again.

We left the hospital with a new God given hope. This is not to say we didn't have a good cry that night while we prayed but there was expectation in our prayers. Surely these three nurses had been sent by God for a purpose. The next day we made an appointment with the new doctor. The following day, we had a prayer service with our pastor and his mother, with an anointing of oil for the baby.

The new doctor turned out to be a Christian and made sure we understood that while proper care would help the circumstances, prayer was going to be the key to the healing process. Three months after our first visit to the new doctor, he told us that the baby was back to normal: no abnormalities. He said that if he had been given the first report after he had seen the last examination that he would not have believed them to be the same baby. That was the type of miracle God did.

Last week our miracle baby turned one year old. He is doing great. Everything about him is normal and he is keeping us busy. We remember what a miracle he is on a daily basis. It is important for us to remember that God saved him for his purposes. We pray daily that he gives us the wisdom to raise him accordingly. A miracle baby deserves no less.

©2005 Josh Balay. All Rights Reserved